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Cdn Ch Jaclair's Ziegfeld , Am Cdn Ch Jaclair's Major BIS and
Am Cdn Bda Ch Jaclair's Ziggi BIS BISS Picture taken in 1977 |
seed for Jaclair Papillons was planted in England during
the late 1930s when Mary Sully decided to get
one of those new "Papillon
Dogs". Mary and her husband Fred were dog lovers and well
established breeders of German Shepherds and Dachshunds under
the Hallau name,
but Mary and her daughter Clarice were intrigued with this
new breed. |
Mary Sully with a young Papillon in the late 1930s | |
Babbidge in the mid 1970's |
Many years later Clarice Babbidge, by then living in Canada, remembered the small, friendly, intelligent breed and decided to track them down. Seen here holding a young Howdy Doody (bottom left), Pandy and Ch Inverdon Michaela (bottom right). | |
were very few breeders in Canada or the USA in the 1950s
so Clarice imported her first Papillon
from the UK. Mitchy
in January 1960 and Jaclair Papillons was born. Clarice was the
heart and soul of the kennel, but it would not have ever happened
the work and support of her husband Jack. The name Jaclair comes
from combining the names "Jack" and "Clarice". |
Jack and Clarice Babbidge
Clarice's children
grew up living with, showing,
During the 1960s and 1970s, through Clarice's love and dedication, Jaclair became an internationally known name in Papillons. Clarice incorporated British (mainly Inverdon) and American lines and skillfully developed a line of Papillons that went on to be very influential in the breed in North America. |
Carol is seen here in 1964 with Jaclair's Pierre CD, CDX with some of his obedience trophies. It was no surprise when in the 1990s, Clarice's daughter, Carol with her husband Paul, decided to re-establish the Jaclair kennel. |
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