Clarice had many
special dogs and many special wins in the show ring.
It is difficult
to narrow it down and mention only a few, but here are her
in Show winners.
Am Bda Cdn Ch Jaclair's
Kawartha Jason BIS
(Am Cdn Ch Gowdy of Mariposa BIS x Costabrava Collette)
- the first papillon
in thirty-four years to win an all breed Best In Show in North
- no.1 papillon in Canada in 1970
- no.2 papillon in Canada in 1971
- no.3 papillon in Canada in 1972
Am Cdn
Ch Jaclair's Doodles of Josandre' CD, Am CDX, BIS, BISS
Cdn Bda Ch Jaclair's Kawartha Jason BIS x Am Cdn Ch Inverdon Michaela)
- co-owned by Mary
Jo Loye
- multi BIS winner in Canada and the United States
- the first papillon to win an all breed BIS in both Canada and
the United States
- no.1 papillon in Canada in 1971 and no.6 toy
- no.2 papillon in Canada in 1972
- appears in the pedigrees of at least fifteen current Am BIS paps
Am Cdn Ch Jaclair's
Howdy Doody CD BIS
(Am Cdn Ch Jaclair's Doodles of Josandre' BIS x Am Ch Inverdon Polilla)
- co-owned by Carole
- multi BIS winner in both Canada and the United States
- papillon of the year in the United States in 1976
- no.2 papillon in Canada in 1974 and in 1976
- sire of BIS Am Ch Bannahyde's UFO of Beechwood
- UFO sired BIS Am Ch Primavera's Elendil, who sired BIS Am Cdn Ch Anarion
Of L'ete
- counting BIS Am Ch Gowdy of Mariposa (Jason's sire) that made the 7th
generation BIS
Am Cdn Bdn Ch
Jaclair's Ziggi BIS, BISS
(Am Cdn Ch Jaclair's Serawak x Jaclair's Biletta)
- no.2 dog all breeds
and no.1 toy and no.1 papillon in Canada in 1978
- twenty-six BIS to his name in Canada and the U.S. (a breed record
that stood until Kirby recently broke it)
- no.1 papillon in Canada in 1976 and no.5 toy
- BISS at the U S National Specialty 1976
- no.1 papillon in Canada in 1977 and no.2 toy
- no.2 papillon in Canada in 1979

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winning BIS in Toronto, 1977. The judge was Edd Bivin. Ziggi
was handled
by Elaine
Whitney and
the award was presented by William Shatner.
Am Cdn Ch Jaclair's
Major BIS
(Am Cdn Ch Jaclair's Ziegfield x Jaclair's Leading Lady)
- another multi
BIS winner
- no.1 papillon in Canada in 1979
- no.2 papillon in Canada in 1983
- no.1 papillon in Canada in 1984 and no. 2 toy
Am Cdn Ch Jaclair's
High Time BIS
(Am Cdn Ch Jaclair's Serawak x Jaclair's Biletta)
- no.3 papillon in Canada in 1978
- winning BIS the same day in Canada as his brother Ziggi